
On August 21st, See Far partner Peter Skov Jensen from Aarhus University Hospital gave a lecture to the workers dealing with vision problems at ISHD – Institute for Sight, Hearing and Deafblindness in the city of Aalborg (
It is a public institute that helps e.g. people with low vision by training them and giving them different kinds of tools like magnification devices as well as smart glasses currently on the market. The citizen borrows the devices free.
ISHD provides this service in The North Denmark Region (population of 578,839), which is one of the five regions of Denmark is divided into. The other regions have their own institutes or similar arrangements.
The talk was about different smart glasses for low vision, and I took the opportunity to also talk about our See Far project in general.
It was a very fruitful lecture in the way that they were also able to give feedback on the pros and cons of existing smart glasses for low vision on the market today.
On September 14th Peter gave the same lecture to the doctors at the Department of Ophthalmology at Aalborg University Hospital also located in The North Denmark Region. They found the topic – and our project in particular – very interesting.
This small scale events were also scheduled for the annual research day at the department of ophthalmology at the Aarhus University Hospital in November and at a big national seminar (Synoptik-Fondens Årsseminar: ), but the events were cancelled due to COVID19-restriction.

Author: AUH